Years of Experience

Riverland Based or via distance

Some common questions

Where do you live and work?
I live in the beautiful Riverland area of South Australia. My services are not limited to local clientele, as distant healing and readings are available.

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What do you do?
I’m an Energy Healer, Reiki Master and Psychic. I can help people in other ways too. Check out my other services page.

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What exactly is Energy Healing, and Reiki?
To understand what Energy Healing and Reiki is, you need to understand that we are “energy beings” in physical form. I have a post on the blog about energy. The post title is “WHAT IS ENERGY? ARE WE CONNECTED?”

Energy Healing and Reiki are all about working with either my own energy if I am doing self-healing, or working with the energy of the client to help promote their natural healing ability. Reiki is a modality of Energy Healing and uses symbols as a way to focus intent.

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I hear the term Psychic everywhere, what exactly is a Psychic?
The term psychic is a very general term. Basically, it refers to someone who has or demonstrates PSI abilities. If you want to be more specific, I have three main abilities: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience. Here is an explanation of each.

Clairvoyance: This term comes from French “clair” meaning “clear” and “voyance” meaning “vision”. It is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known senses.
So basically I am shown images as a way to pass on information. This can either be a simple image like a car or may even be more photo-realistic. Sometimes it comes in the form of short video.

Clairaudience: This comes from French “clair” meaning clear and “audience” meaning hearing. It is the paranormal obtaining of information by hearing sounds or voices.
This information comes to me in different forms. It can be as simple as one word or a sentence or even a complete paragraph. I usually hear this in my right ear.

Clairsentience: The word “clair” is French for “clear” and “sentience” is derived from the Latin sentire, “to feel”.
This is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by feeling.
In my case, I am able to feel energy. I am also able to feel what others are feeling, sometimes even physical pains a person has.

Don’t worry it’s not harmful to me. It is just a way for me to be shown particular information and normally goes away once I have passed that information on to the person the pain originates from.

Sometimes I am shown it before a healing session, and it usually goes away during or shortly after the healing session.

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When did you know you had certain gifts?
I like to call them “abilities”. Everyone is born with certain natural abilities and others can be developed. From a very early age, I could feel energy and always knew what someone’s mood was.I also seemed to know things.

I never really talked about it with anyone. Not that I was afraid or ashamed, I honestly didn’t think anything of it because I just thought it was natural and everyone could. It was only later in life that I realised this was not the case.

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When did you first get involved with Energy Healing and Readings?
My life took a dramatic change quite a few years ago. I was working as a “DJ” and production manager at a radio station when I met several people who really changed my life forever.

This was when I had my initial experience with Reiki and received my very first Reiki Healing. Afterwards, I felt truly amazing. Words cannot describe how I felt. It was this moment that I realised there is so much more to life.

The next thing I know, I quit my job, studied full-time for about one and a half years and learnt and experienced as much as I could about Energy Healing. The people who taught me were amazing. I am truly grateful to them.

Several years later, I decided to study Reiki. Today the Reiki healing method is more widely known and also comes with certification and qualifications.

I never really thought of offering Psychic Readings but what I found was that during healing sessions with others I was quite often given information to pass on. So I decided to develop the psychic skills.

I find a lot of people who want readings, benefit from healings as well.

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What can people expect during a healing session?
In-person healing session: To receive Energy Healing or Reiki, you lie fully clothed on a treatment table while I place hands lightly on or just above your head and torso.

As far as what the person feels or experiences, that is quite individual because people are unique.

It’s a matter of just closing your eyes and enjoying the experience. Some people even fall asleep.

Energy Healing and Reiki treats the whole person. This includes their body, emotions, mind and soul creating many beneficial effects, which include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being. Many have reported miraculous results. Reiki and Energy Healing are a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual knowing and self-improvement that everyone can use.

Distant Healing session: I usually schedule this during a time the client is asleep. Most people feel a noticeable difference when they wake up. I also contact the person afterwards to explain the healing session.

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