I have always just “known” some things and over the years I have developed that ability in a way that allows me to access information that might not normally be available. Usually I can ask questions and receive the information to pass on so you can have a clearer picture or understanding on how to deal with certain situations, events or challenges. Sometimes we “can’t see the forest for the trees” because we are too close or attached to a situation.


Angel Cards, Tarot cards etc. are a tool that some psychic use to help pass on the information you need. Card readings are similar to psychic readings; the only difference is that I use the card meanings to help you find the answers you are looking for. The cards usually evolve as the reading is in progress to help guide us not only towards what is needed at the present but also “the big picture” of this puzzle we call “life”.


I use the word psychic to describe some of the things I do but it is not a very accurate term. The word psychic is a generic reference to all kinds of psychic phenomena, experiences, or events that seem to be related to the psyche, or mind, and which cannot be explained by established physical principles.

I am going to go into it in a bit more depth and explain 3 things that I am able to do.

Clairvoyance: This term comes from French “clair” meaning “clear” and “voyance” meaning “vision”. It is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known senses.

So basically I am shown images as a way to pass on information. This can either be a simple image like a car or may even be more photo-realistic. Sometimes it comes in the form of short video.

Clairaudience: This comes from French “clair” meaning clear and “audience” meaning hearing. It is the paranormal obtaining of information by hearing sounds or voices.

This information comes to me in different forms. It can be as simple as one word or a sentence or even a complete paragraph. I usually hear this in my right ear.

Clairsentience: The word “clair” is French for “clear” and “sentience” is derived from the Latin “sentire”, “to feel”.

This is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by feeling.

In my case, I am able to feel energy. I am also able to feel what others are feeling, sometimes even physical pains a person has. Do not worry it is not harmful to me, it is just a way for me to be shown particular information and usually goes away once I have passed that information on, or finished talking to the particular person the pain originates from.

Psychic information is not only available during a reading. Sometimes this is received during healing sessions.

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