Eclipse Season – What is happening and why

There is a lot of buzz at the moment about eclipse season and exactly what is happening. So today after doing some meditation I had the urge to ask some questions and seek answers. The answers came in the form of auto-writing. Where the pen hits the paper and the words and the writing starts via a higher source.

I started by asking about this current eclipse season and what it actually means. So this is the conversation for today and the answers I received.

Current Phase – Challenge

Challenging yourself. Challenging beliefs. With challenge comes knowledge, with knowledge comes the power to change. Change oneself and free yourself from past limiting beliefs.

The current phase will last dependent on person and the person’s willingness to look at limiting patterns or thoughts, and delve deeper to the root cause and acknowledge that what was in the past is exactly that, and that old pattern cycles or recurring cycles can be changed because they no longer serve you or others.

You have a choice, embrace this phase or resist it.

If you welcome the phase and jump on board and embrace change, then the ride will be a lot smoother than for those who don’t.

So what is this phase or shift?

It is a cosmic shift on an energetic level to assist mankind advance and develop. The energy contains many things, many frequencies. One of those frequencies is targeting the DNA level. Every person will receive this but not all will have it activated. It depends on the individual’s level of advancement. This does not mean the ones who it stays dormant for will not have it activated forever. It is there waiting for them to unlock, access and use when they are ready.

How do I know if I am ready or activated?

That’s an interesting question and quite a lot of things are connected to this one question. Individuals will unlock and activate the DNA upgrade in stages. The stages depend on the individual’s base frequency. Individuals who have worked on raising their vibrations or frequencies over this physical lifetime will be able to integrate it quicker than those who have not.
This phase is a base frequency shift to a higher level. People who are not awakened will awaken, those who are partly awake will awaken more etc etc. So you can see how it relates directly to the individual.

Why is this happening? Can an individual reject this energy – energy shift – DNA change?

No. It is a cycle of advancement that was put into motion long ago. It is not about the individual, it is about the whole. You are more than just an individual, you are part of a bigger connectedness. A universal connectedness. A connection on so many levels.

So think of this as a cosmic awakening or a cosmic shift.

Thank you for answering these questions for me.

You are welcome. I am Archangel Gabriel. I am a messenger.
